TSDL: Teacher Student Data Link Project
Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and conducted by the Center for Educational
Leadership and Technology (CELT) with guidance and dissemination support from the Data Quality Campaign (DQC)

CVR Training, Marketing, and Release 2.0 Requirements

For high-stakes usage of linked teacher and student data, such as calculating teacher contributions to student growth, it is very important that the linked data be extremely accurate and that the teachers have a high degree of confidence in the quality of the data. To this end, the Louisiana DOE has developed and implemented an initial version of a classroom verification roster (CVR) tool for use by teachers and administrators. This project is intended to do the following in support of the CVR-R2 process and tool:

  • Develop a communication plan to clearly convey how information regarding the CVR and value-added will be communicated across the state. This plan should identify the who, what, when chain of events and the communication needed for each roster verification cycle.
  • Define and document the meaning and purpose of value-added so it is understood by teachers, principals, school district staff, and other interested parties.
  • Identify LEA data coordinators as point-persons for support of the teachers and principals in each LEA.
  • Develop requirements and design specifications for Release 2.0 of CVR, with input from the LEAs.
  • Develop a training video for the tool and accompanying roster verification process.
  • Develop marketing materials to promote the process and tool and to build understanding and support for its ongoing use.
  • Build a Web presence for promotion and use of the process as part of the marketing material.
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